Thursday, March 09, 2006


the sights and sounds during the first 24-hours always make such an impression. a cool rain blew in from the forest hills this morning and the exotic smells of amazonia were amazing... the trees hang heavy along the avenues which makes it hard to believe we´re at over 8000 feet. but i could feel it in my lungs during my rides today. the city isn´t as big nor dirty nor traffic ridden or crazy as i expected, but i suspect it has something to do with having ridden and traveled in asian cities.

i´m having a hard time pegging this place: the inner city streets remind me of the low slung villas of central mexico but the outlaying barrios perched along the mountain forests remind me of the decay of the himalayan cities, with their unfinished and eroding cement houses, and i´m wanting to find nuggets of spain here but i´m not quite finding the quality... in the architecture, food, cafes and tavernas.

manu chao is in the house! i caught his last of 2-shows in bogota tonight, que suerte!

already thinking about hitting the road, not finding much in this town yet to keep me around but i´ll give it another couple of days. wish i could post some pics but i don´t see a USB port here... i´ll dig around more tomorrow. ciao!

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